What Your Employer Doesn’t Want You to Know About Workers’ Compensation

Some employers are more driven by a moral compass than others. Employees may be devastated to realize that their employer is less than supportive after a recent workplace injury accident. Unfortunately, many employers may go to extreme lengths to hinder an employee’s opportunity for receiving benefits. Workers’ compensation programs were created to neutralize the tension between employer and employee in the event of an injury or illness that results because of the work environment or performing a task.

Here are a couple of facts that your employer probably doesn’t want you to know about workers’ compensation benefits, but you absolutely keep in mind:

You Should Tell Them About Every Serious Injury

In some situations, an injury may not warrant seeking compensation. However, if you plan to potentially pursue a workers’ compensation claim, you must tell your supervisor or boss right away about what happened. The consequences of the injury accident may appear minor now, but it can grow into a bigger issue down the line. And if you didn’t report the injury immediately after, it can make it more difficult to receive benefits under workers’ compensation later.

Confirm Your Claim Status with Healthcare Provider
Upon notifying your employer about the injury, you are likely to be sent to a doctor that has been hired by the company to handle workers’ compensation injuries. Keep in mind that insurance companies are for-profit, and may do everything possible to deny a claim. Confirm that the status of your claim says the injury occurred at work before the healthcare provider submits it, as this is a key detail that must not be overlooked.


For assistance regarding a recent workplace injury accident, consider contacting a law firm with experienced Workers Compensation Lawyers, such as the legal team at Hickey & Turim, S.C.

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