What Do I Do if I Was Injured on Vacation?

It’s summer, and school is out! For many of us, that means our long-awaited vacation time has finally arrived. Maybe you’re headed to the beach or the mountains, a theme park, or to visit friends and family. You’ve been planning for months. But what happens when you’re injured during your vacation? Suddenly, everything comes to a halt, and now you’re dealing with medical treatment, insurance adjusters, and unexpected expenses. To help you navigate this difficult time, we put together some answers to questions we often hear from people who were injured while on vacation.

Question #1: I was injured while on vacation and had to have medical treatment at facilities that are hours away from where I live. What do I need to do about medical treatment once I get back home?

If you were injured on vacation, you may have had to visit an emergency room or other medical facility close to where you were vacationing. The doctors you saw should be able to recommend another facility near your home so you can continue your medical treatment at a facility closer to where you live. Many providers, such as orthopedic doctors and physical therapists, have multiple offices, so you may be able to continue treating with the same facility but in a different office. Check with your doctor to see what they recommend. It is important that you do continue your medical treatment so you can continue to heal.

Question #2: I was injured while at a rental house. How do I file an injury claim?

Injuries at rental homes can be complex cases for several reasons. For one, there is the issue of identifying who actually owns the home. The home may be managed by a property management company but is actually owned by one or more people (or even an LLC!) who are not part of the property management company.

You will also likely need to determine who was responsible for maintenance and repairs on the home. If a homeowner uses a property management company, that company may be under contract to handle the home’s maintenance and repairs. Alternatively, the homeowner may handle those items themselves, or they may even outsource it to another company.

Additionally, every state has their own laws regarding these kinds of cases. A premises liability lawyer in the state in which you were injured can look at the facts of your case and the laws for that state and let you know whether or not you have a viable claim.

Question #3: I was injured while on vacation in North Carolina, but I don’t live in North Carolina. Do I still need a North Carolina lawyer?

For several reasons, you will probably need a lawyer who is licensed to practice law in North Carolina. If the incident happened in North Carolina, and the at-fault parties are in North Carolina, chances are you will file your case in a North Carolina court. A North Carolina premises liability lawyer who is licensed to practice in North Carolina should also be familiar with the premises liability laws specific to North Carolina.

If you choose to hire an attorney who is not licensed to practice in North Carolina, they will still probably need to bring in a local, NC lawyer to assist on your case.


At Burton Law Firm, we have seen too many vacations ruined when someone else’s negligence causes injuries. Sometimes it’s a car wreck on the way to vacation. Other times, it’s a beach house deck that collapsed. If you were injured on vacation, give us a call. The consultation is free, and our premises liability lawyers can talk with you about the facts specific to your case as well as your rights and options.

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