Raleigh, NC (June 20, 2022) – Authorities in Raleigh responded to a fatal car accident on Saturday morning, June 18th. The crash happened around 4:00 a.m. at the intersection of North Raleigh Boulevard and Millbank Street.
According to a report from police, a total of four people were affected by the collision. Two men and one were transported to a hospital with serious, life-threatening injuries. A second woman suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. A vehicle involved in the crash appeared to be charred after catching fire following the collision. The vehicle came to rest on a sidewalk. There is no word on what caused the accident to take place. Police have not identified any of the victims.
The accident is under investigation at this time. No further information has been released.
We would like to offer our thoughts, condolences, and best wishes to all of those who were affected by this tragic car accident in Raleigh.
Fatal Accidents in North Carolina 
Being a victim of a serious injury crash can be a devastating and life-changing experience. As a family member, losing a loved one in an accident is one of the most catastrophic events that you can experience. Following a serious crash, there are often many questions and few answers. Police will carefully investigate the collision in order to determine how it occurred. This may bring some answers for victims and family members. However, it can be difficult to obtain a sense of closure following such a serious crash.
Victims and family members may wonder what legal rights they have after the accident. Under North Carolina law, crash victims and family members can potentially bring a lawsuit against a negligent driver who was responsible for the crash. It is important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible so that you can determine the best path to take. Rather than trying to handle the case on your own, an attorney can take some of the stress off of your shoulders and allow you to focus on the more important things in your life at this time.
Here at Burton Law Firm, we provide representation for those who have been affected by traffic accidents. We have over a decade of experience handling difficult and serious cases. We understand what you are going through during this time and we are here to help. Our team is compassionate about our work and we always give our best effort to make sure that our clients’ legal rights are fully protected.
We are here to help you at any time. Our firm always offers a free consultation and case evaluation for all potential and prospective clients. When we meet you to discuss your case, we will look at all the facts and come up with a plan to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve. To schedule a time to speak with a skilled car accident lawyer in Raleigh, please reach out to us using the link on our website or give us a call at (833) 623-0042.
Note: Burton Law Firm utilizes a variety of outside sources in the creation of these accident news posts. These sources include news bulletins, police reports, first-hand accounts, news stories, as well as additional outside sources. For this reason, the details surrounding this accident have not been independently verified by our office or writing staff. If you find information that is not correct about an accident that we have written about, please contact our firm as soon as possible so that we can promptly correct the information. If you would prefer that we remove the story, contact us directly and we will make every effort to remove the story in a timely manner.
Disclaimer: Our team of personal injury lawyers at Burton Law Firm has taken pride in being active members of our local business community for more than 8 years. We are always striving to improve the quality of life for our community members and improve the overall safety and well-being of all North Carolinians. We hope that by providing this information about the dangers of driving that we will bring added awareness and drivers will use increased caution when operating a motor vehicle. Our thoughts are with everyone who may have been affected by this incident. This post is not a solicitation for business. None of the information in this post should be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. The photos in this post are not a depiction of the actual accident scene.