How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you have been injured in a car wreck, you may be unable to work because of your injuries. Meanwhile, your bills and medical expenses are piling up. Perhaps you have considered hiring a lawyer to help, but the thought of paying lawyer fees on top of everything else just seems impossible. Fortunately, most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis which means you won’t have to pay anything to the lawyer up front!

So, What Exactly Is a Contingency Fee?

A contingency fee is one type of attorney fee structure. Other fee structures include flat fees and hourly fees. With a contingency fee structure, the attorney’s fee is usually contingent upon whether or not the attorney is able to recover any money for your damages through negotiations, a settlement, or a trial verdict. If the attorney is able to recover money for you, then the attorney will be paid his or her contingency fee out of the amount recovered.

How Much Is a Lawyer Paid with a Contingency Fee Structure?

Most personal injury attorneys charge a contingency fee that is between 33 1/3 % to 40% of the total amount of money damages recovered. So, for example, if you hire an attorney whose contingency fee is 40%, and the attorney recovers $120,000 for your damages, the attorney will be paid an attorney fee of $48,000 ($120,000 x 40%).

Are There Other Costs Associated with a Personal Injury Claim?

In addition to the attorney’s fee, there may be some other costs associated with your personal injury claim. Many law firms will pay for these costs up front, and then they are reimbursed at the time of settlement. These costs may include things like postage, medical provider charges for copies of your medical records, or litigation costs such as filing fees, deposition transcript fees, court reporter fees and expert fees. For cases that settle prior to a trial, the costs are typically lower than if a case has to be tried in front of a jury.

Would I Be Better Off Just Handling My Case on My Own?

We sometimes get calls from people who have tried to handle their injury claim on their own. They may have spent years negotiating but ultimately found themselves unhappy with the final offer from the insurance company for the at-fault party. Hiring a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your injury ensures that you have someone on your side and fighting for you from the very beginning. Your attorney will take steps to preserve evidence, guide you through the process, locate all applicable insurance policies, and fight to recover the full amount of your damages. Without an attorney, the insurance company will likely try to force you to accept a much lower settlement than you deserve.

At Burton Law Firm, we handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. If we do not recover for you, then you do not owe us an attorney’s fee! If you or a loved one has been injured, give us a call. We will be right beside you through the entire process, and we will fight to recover all of your damages. At Burton Law Firm, we are dedicated to your recovery and your future. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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