4 Easy Ways to Stay Safe On The Road

Wear Your Seatbelt

Any Raleigh car accident lawyer will tell you that wearing a seatbelt is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself in a car. According to the CDC, a seatbelt can reduce your risk of dying in a car accident by as much as 50%, and it can reduce your risk of sustaining a major injury by up to 45%. If you want to avoid a consultation with Burton Law Firm, make sure everyone in the car is buckled up before you drive.

Take a Safe Driving Course

Safe driving courses are perfect for helping you refresh your skills, especially if you’re not up-to-date on all the laws of the road. You can usually take safe driving courses through your auto insurance provider, and many providers will offer a discounted rate for completion! These courses can often be completed online, so you can work on them from the comfort of your own home. If your insurance company doesn’t offer courses, speak with a car accident lawyer, or visit your local DMV to learn what your options are.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Burton Law Firm wants you to be safe, and avoiding alcohol is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and everyone else on the road. A blood alcohol content as low as 0.02% is enough to impair your ability to drive, and it only takes around 2 beers to reach this level. Your best bet is to avoid alcohol altogether if you know you need to drive during the day. For times when you do want to drink, have a designated driver come pick you up.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Many studies have shown that intoxication and drowsiness share many of the same symptoms; the CDC suggests that staying awake for 18 hours straight has roughly the same effect on the body as a blood alcohol content of 0.05%. For this reason, it’s a good idea to get plenty of rest before you get behind the wheel. If you need to travel while you’re tired, take plenty of time to stop and stretch your legs, and take a power nap wherever you can. If at all possible, ask someone else to drive. It’s always a better idea to play things safe rather than sorry!

When it comes to figuring out whether you need to file with your insurance the outfall parties’ insurance or another insurance company altogether, your lawyer is going to be the best person to tell you this information. Come work with Burton Law Firm today so that you and your loved ones can receive the compensation that you deserve in the full amount.

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